You've Got Guns!
Gun enthusiasts are calling for a
boycott of America Online because the Virginia-based company fired three workers for keeping guns in their cars parked in the Ogden, Utah AOL call center.
This Just In: The World is Round
After noticing a profound and widespread ignorance about space,
astronomer Philip Plait launched a web site called
Bad Astronomy.
Plait launched the site after learning that a significant
percentage of the population believes the moon landings were
faked by NASA. In a tangentially related story, Muslim fundamentalists in the northern Nigerian city of Maiduguri rioted last week, burning down about 40 hotels and bars to punish the sinners who caused
the recent lunar eclipse.
Your Tax Dollars
At Work
If you've never tried to park in New York City, let me tell you it can be an adventure. People get so desperate for a parking spot that they
consciously decide to get a ticket -- and then discover that even all the illegal spaces are taken. Naturally, there's a pandemic of unpaid tickets. Now, however, in an effort to
ticket dodgers into paying up, the police are posting the names and home addresses of top violators. Leading
the pack is Charles Rhodes of Brooklyn, who owes $66,995 on 499
parking tickets.
Hollywood Spy
Naked Hindu ascetics, whacked on pot, are protesting the luxury tents set up for pampered Hollywood
"look-at-me-I'm-spiritual" types like Madonna, Sharon Stone and Demi Moore on the banks of the Ganges in Uttar Pradesh, where millions of pilgrims gather every 12 years for the
Kumbh Mela festival to bathe in the soul-cleansing (but nonetheless filthy) waters of the holy river.
In a piece
about the knee-jerk recycling of
baby boomer childhood-culture movie ideas from Hollywood last week, I mentioned that Tom Cruise wants "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" director Ang Lee to direct Mission Impossible 3. But, alas, my Hollywood spy says the director will be busy on another knee-jerk, recycled
baby boomer childhood-culture movie idea: "The Hulk," which is scheduled for a 2003 release from Universal Pictures.
I mentioned an e-voting gadget last week from a small company called Hart InterCivic. Well, it turns out the big companies are working on
e-voting, too. Dell, Microsoft and Unisys are reportedly working on an e-ballot system that would banish pregnant chads forever. The heavy hitters will push their system at the first-ever
Election Technology Expo today at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Sacramento, California.
Reader Web Site
of the Week
is dedicated to PC how-to information. Click
here to send me YOUR URL.
Mike's List
o' Crazy Gadgets
1. A digital camera thinner than a
quarter of an
2. A tiny cell phone with no
3. The world's first DVD-R
4. A Bluetooth watch that enables you to use a nearby cell phone
via the watch.
5. A ThinkPad for people who can't
6. Claudia Schiffer Palm
Mike's List
o' Wacky Web Sites
1. This site helps you write a wacky "thank you" note. Just fill out the form, and the note is created automatically.
2. Here's a site that tells the history of computers through geeky
3. Not all dot-coms are dying. Business at is booming. The company sells the computers, ping-pong tables and computer systems of dying dot-com companies for
pennies on the dollar.
List o' Numbers
35,299 - Number of American technology workers laid off by dot-com companies that have dismissed 10 or more workers at a time since December 1999. (Industry Standard)
39,000 - Total
number of new jobs created in Silicon Valley in 2000. (New York
195,000 - Number of visas to be granted by the U.S. government to foriegn technology workers each year.
5,000,000 - Total number of technology workers in the United States. (American Electronics Association)
List o' Required Reading
Microsoft à la Hollywood
By Michael Kinsley
if yr e-mail looks like this, u must be the boss
By Gwen Florio
I try to make the HTML version of Mike's List as compatible as possible. But, inevitably, it doesn't look just right on all browsers, in all e-mail clients or web-based e-mail services. Sometimes the links don't work. Some people get attachments, rather than richly formatted e-mail. America Online, as far as I can tell, doesn't support HTML e-mail at all. Hotmail, Yahoo Mail and other browser-based services work perfectly for some people, but not for others. And, of course, corporate environments vary radically based on the hardware, software and configurations installed. With help and feedback from several Mike's List subscribers, however, I've made some tweaks and changes to the HTML version to make it work better with more clients and browsers. I'd like to continue to test it. If the version you
received in your inbox doesn't look and work exactly like the version on the
web please let me know. I'll keep tweaking Mike's List until the formatting is as good as it can be.
Thanks for your help! : )
you don't have anything nice to say, say it to me!
Send rumors, gossip and inside information
to: [email protected]